RIAU - The Riau Provincial Health Office reports that the number of deaths from COVID-19 patients in the local area is still high. Zainal Arifin in Pekanbaru, reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 15.

He said this needs to continue to be watched out by the public so that they are always disciplined on health protocols, continue to apply the 5M (using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and preventing interaction mobility).

However, he said, the good news is the trend in the last three days the number of additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Riau Province has decreased, data on Monday, March 14 recorded that there were only 210 additions.

"Decreased from the day before to reach 268 people", he said.

He said, as usual, the largest number of additional COVID-19 cases still occurred in Pekanbaru, namely 102 cases. Then, Kampar 9, Pelalawan 8, Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) 22, Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) 3, Dumai 2, Meranti Islands 6 cases, then Bengkalis 11, Siak 7, Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) 1, Rokan Hilir (Rohil) 3 , Rokan Hulu (Rohul) 1 and outside the province 35 cases.

"Meanwhile, the number of specimens examined yesterday reached 2,000 and 1,843 people", said Zainal.

Meanwhile, recovered patients increased by 417 people and cases of death due to COVID-19 increased by 15 cases.

"So the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases in Riau is 148,154 cases with details of 139,565 recoveries, 4,320 deaths, 4,141 self-isolation, and 128 hospitalizations", he explained. 

Then, for the realization of the first dose of vaccination in Riau until March 14, 2022, it was 94.48 percent.

"In total, 4,573,235 people were vaccinated with the first dose or 94,348 percent of the target. Then, the second dose of vaccination was 3,448,583 or 71.25 percent", he explained.

Meanwhile, the elderly vaccination dose I reached 218,097 people or 67.63 percent, and the second dose reached 157,859 people or 48.95 percent.

Then, the first dose of child vaccination reached 465,947 people or 65.42 percent and the second dose reached 238,093 people or 33.43 percent.

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