PADANG - Two teenagers in Munte Hamlet, Sikakap, Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, are desperate to dismantle a grave. Teens with the initials RS (17) and RE (18) who dismantled the grave wanted to get occult knowledge so that they could disappear.

"Yes, looking for knowledge so that it can disappear," said Kapolsek Sikakap AKP Tirto Edhi when confirmed, Monday, September 21.

The incident began when residents found food in a damaged condition as it was dismantled on Sunday, September 20. Residents who know about it then notify the body's family.

"The reporter was told by the witness that the tomb of the reporter's husband had been damaged or dismantled by someone, then after that the reporter immediately looked at the grave and it was true that the grave had been damaged," explained Tirto.

At about the same time, other residents also saw the two suspects cleaning hoes. When asked, the two immediately admitted that they had dismantled the grave.

"Then the two suspects admitted that they were the ones who destroyed the grave," said Tirto.

The two suspects were finally escorted by the head of the local hamlet to the Sikakap Police on Monday, September 21 in the morning. They are charged under Article 406 KUHP and / or 179 KUHP with a maximum threat of eight years in prison.

"The perpetrator did this in order to take something from the grave and is also suspected of being for the purposes of occult or black magic," he concluded.

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