JAKARTA - The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of March 2022 in Indonesia will have a major impact on the loose or tight government in making the Idul Fitri or Lebaran 2022 homecoming policy.

Head of the Health Support Sub-Section for the National COVID-19 Task Force, Alexander K. Ginting, said that an evaluation would be carried out before the homecoming policy-making process in the country.

"In the trial, we will see until the end of March. If cases decrease, deaths tend to decrease, of course it will give hope and a better picture," Alexander said when contacted, Monday, March 14.

He said that if at the end of March there was a significant and consistent decrease in the number of cases, it could affect government policies in determining the status of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the regions.

"But if the number of cases increases at the end of March, this will be our problem, there will be a leveling of PPKM from 2 to 3 again, this is our homework together," he continued, launching Antara.

Alexander said, Indonesia was still in a COVID-19 pandemic situation. The government is trying to implement the transition to endemic through a gradual mechanism.

This means, said Alexander, areas that were originally level 2 can return to level 3, and even be raised to level 4.

One indicator of the transition to endemic is the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination to 70 percent of the population in Indonesia.

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