JAKARTA - A police officer becomes a suspect after he raped a teenager who refused to be ticketed in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The police found some evidence in the process of determining the officer as a suspect. 

"We have named this person a suspect under the Article 76 D of Law Number 35/2014 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 81 paragraphs 2," said Pontianak Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin, Monday, September 21.

Komarudin explained that the police officer had been detained since they received the case report. Initially, the Profession and Security Division (propam) handled the investigation, on suspicion of violating the professional code of ethics.

"We got the results of the visum. There's enough evidence to determine the person as a suspect. We detained him. So, the legal process is transferred from the code of ethics process to general crime," he continued.

The case was revealed when the police received a report. At that time, the victim was stopped by the police officer for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle.

"She was stopped. The victim didn't want a ticket, and they ended up having sexual intercourse at the hotel. We immediately followed up and arrested him. We can guarantee, the process will be transparent," said Kombes Komarudin.

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