JAKARTA - Russia's use of chemical weapons in Ukraine will be a "game changer" and NATO will think seriously about how to respond, said Polish President Andrzej Duda. "If he uses any weapons of mass destruction, it will be a game changer. ) for all things," he said in an interview with the BBC on Sunday, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. what is being done because it is starting to get dangerous,” as reported by Antara. Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the United States has feared that NATO would be drawn into a wider war with Russia. Western officials on Friday said Russia might use chemical weapons in Ukraine in attacks. "scapegoat" to justify his invasion, but there has been no indication of any actual use of the weapon in the war in Ukraine. On Wednesday, Washington denied new allegations from Russia that the US was operating a biological weapons laboratory in Ukraine. They called the allegations "ridiculous" and said Moscow may be looking for excuses to use biological or chemical weapons. There has been no response from the Russian Embassy in Washington on the US statement.

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