SUMUT - A total of 1,307,737 children aged 6-11 years in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) have undergone the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. The local Health Office (Dinkes) targets the number of achievements for children as many as 1,616,233.

"This number increased by 3,840 children from the previous day. The current percentage is 80.9 percent of the target target," said North Sumatra Provincial Health Office Secretary Dr Aris Yudhariansyah in Medan, Saturday, March 12, quoted from Antara. 962,709 children with a percentage of 59.6 percent of the target target. Of the 33 districts/cities in North Sumatra, the highest vaccination coverage was obtained from Toba Regency at 99.8 percent, Humbang Hasundutan 98.3 percent, Pematang Siantar 97.5 percent, Dairi 97, 5 percent and Sibolga 97.2 percent. The North Sumatra Health Service will continue to accelerate the provision of vaccinations to the community to achieve herd immunity in anticipation of the transmission of COVID-19. various elements to carry out the gotong royong scheme to support the main scheme of government programs. He reminded the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols. Even though he has been vaccinated to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmissions in the North Sumatra region. "Comply with health protocols to suppress COVID-19 cases," he said.

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