JAKARTA - There is something interesting about the 2022 Presidential Guard Commander Cup (Danpaspampres) shooting championship at the Senayan Shooting Range, Jakarta, some time ago. PT Pindad (Persero) which is a state-owned weapons manufacturer, introduced their new pistol.

The gun is named Armo-V3 IPSC. PT Pindad's new pistol has a caliber of 9x19 millimeters (mm).

The Armo-V3 IPSC Pistol has several different features from its predecessor, the Armo-V3 Pistol, which was launched by PT Pindad in 2019.

"The design is different, especially in the cock and hand grips, as well as the weight, (the Armo-V3 IPSC Pistol) is lighter (compared to its predecessor)," said the Internal Affairs Staff of the General Department of the Arms Division of PT Pindad, Gunawan, as reported by Antara. , Saturday, March 12, 2022.

The new gun, said Gunawan, was also used in the Danpaspampres Cup shooting competition in the special Pindad class. The participants, especially in the executive and precision shooting classes, were able to try out PT Pindad's new weapon.

On a different occasion, the Head of the Committee for the 2022 Danpaspampres Cup, Colonel Infantry Rudi Setiawan, said that the 2022 Danpaspampres Cup had opened a special class, namely the Pindad class.

In this special class, executive and precision shooting participants of 25 meters do not need to carry their own weapons. The participants will use PT Pindad's new weapons.

The 2022 Danpaspampres Cup shooting championship was again held at the Senayan Shooting Range, Jakarta, on March 10-13, 2022. The competition was last held in 2018.

For this year's championship, there are seven classes contested, namely executive shooting, 25-meter precision shooting, IPSC level II reaction shooting, non-IPSC reaction shooting (non-optical gun), air rifle and air gun shooting, Paspampres Style shooting, and exhibition shooting. .

The shooting classes are divided into TNI/Polri, Civilian, male and female categories, with a total of more than 19 matches.

The number of participants in the shooting competition in all categories reached approximately 500 people. However, that number is likely to continue to grow because registrations continue to be open until the last day of the competition, Sunday, March 13.

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