JAKARTA - The government has increased the allowance for civil servants (PNS) for functional public relations (PR) positions through the signing of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2022 concerning Functional Position Allowances for Public Relations, in Jakarta, Wednesday 9 March.

Based on a copy of Presidential Decree No. 36 of 2022, which was reported by Antara, Saturday, March 12, President Joko Widodo is considering the increase in the allowance to adjust the workload and work responsibilities of the latest public relations civil servants to improve the quality, achievement, dedication, and productivity of their performance.

According to him, the nominal allowance previously regulated in Presidential Decree No. 29 of 2007 is no longer in accordance with the latest developments and needs of civil servants in public relations so that an adjustment of allowances is needed through Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2022.

Regarding the Presidential Regulation which is being pushed by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) through the Directorate General of Information and Public Communication, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Public Relations Institution (Iprahumas) Thoriq Ramadani expressed gratitude and happiness from his side for the stipulation of Presidential Decree No. 36 of 2022.

Iprahumas, as the agency that oversees the functional positions of public relations institutions in Indonesia, he said, welcomed the regulation, which had been waiting for about 15 years. According to him, the existence of the presidential regulation is the right momentum for public relations institutions to contribute more and more to the progress of the nation and state. Thoriq also thanked the Government.

"Thanks to President Joko Widodo, Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate, Minister of Administrative Reform Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Director General of Information and Public Communication of Kominfo Usman Kansong, Deputy for Human Resources for Apparatus Kemenpan RB, Deputy IV of the Presidential Staff Office, Director of Public Communication Governance and Partnership (TKKKP) Kominfo, Head of Public Relations Bureau of the State Secretariat, and those who have assisted in the determination of the Presidential Regulation," said Thoriq.

The public relations institution allowance, as explained in Article 1 of Presidential Regulation Number 36 of 2022, is a position allowance for civil servants who are fully appointed and assigned in functional positions of public relations institutions in accordance with statutory provisions.

"In this presidential regulation, what is meant by allowances for functional positions of public relations institutions, hereinafter referred to as allowances for public relations institutions, are office allowances given to civil servants who are fully appointed and assigned in functional positions of public relations institutions in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. ," reads Article 1 of Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2022.

Presidential Regulation Number 36 of 2022 regulates the amount of allowances for civil servants for public relations institutions at the level of expertise consisting of intermediate experts of Rp. 1,275,000, young experts of Rp. 956,000, and the first expert of Rp. 540,000.

Then, the amount of the allowance for civil servants for public relations at the skill level consists of providers of Rp. 850,000, advanced/advanced implementers of Rp. 510,000, and skilled implementers of Rp. 306,000.

Previously, Presidential Decree No. 29 of 2007 stipulates the amount of allowances for civil servants for public relations institutions at the level of expertise consisting of middle experts at Rp. 650,000, young experts at Rp. 400,000, and first experts at Rp. 270,000.

Next, the amount of allowances for civil servants for public relations at the skill level consists of Rp. 300,000 for supervisors, Rp. 265,000 for advanced/advanced executors, Rp. 240,000 for executors, and Rp. 220,000 for beginners.

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