JAKARTA - At least 26 thousand doses of COVID-19 vaccine stored in a refrigerated cupboard at the Tulungagung District Health Office, East Java cannot be used for immunization of residents because they have passed the expiration period. ," said the Head of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases at the Tulungagung District Health Office, Didik Eka in Tulungagung, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 12. The expired vaccines are still being stored in refrigerated warehouses. No one has been thrown away let alone destroyed. Didik said that the use or further steps for handling expired vaccines are still waiting for a recommendation from the Ministry of Health. "This is still being reviewed by the Ministry of Health, whether the expiration period can be extended," said Didik. expired, Didik ensured that the vaccine needs for the Tulungagung area were still safe.

"Thank God there is still an excess of dropping from the center," said Didik. If the extension of the expiration date is approved, the vaccine will be issued first. In addition to 26 thousand doses of AZ and moderna vaccines, this April there are thousands of other vaccines that are also threatened with expiration.

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