TANGERANG - The Mayor of Tangerang plans to increase the face-to-face learning capacity (PTM) to 100 percent. This is done so that the process of teaching and learning activities is more optimal.

"I still want it to be optimal for PTM. This means that if it can be 100 percent, then 100 percent," said Arief when contacted, Friday, March 11.

Arief said the addition of PTM capacity was based on consideration of the trend of COVID-19 cases which had been sloping. Moreover, the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for the region has entered level 2.

For information, the level of COVID-19 in Tangerang City this week reached 200-300 cases per day.

"We'll see this week the numbers have decreased," he said.

However, in the implementation of the PTM later, Arief explained that students who can take part in the PTM are those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, one or two doses.

"We ask that 100 percent PTM can be followed by students who have been vaccinated, at least dose one or dose two," he explained.

On the other hand, his party is waiting for the results of the COVID-19 screening tests carried out on grade 6 and 9 students who take part in limited PTM.

"The results of the screening are a consideration for implementing the 100 percent PTM discourse," he said.

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