MUKOMUKO - The Mukomuko District Prosecutor's Office, Bengkulu Province, is targeting the filing of cases of alleged corruption in the non-cash food aid budget (BPNT) for the 2019-2021 Fiscal Year to be completed in March 2022.

"Investigators are targeting to have it completed this month, and have submitted a request for an audit to the State Audit and Development Agency (BPKP)," said Head of the Mukomuko District Prosecutor's Office, Rudi Iskandar through Head of Special Investigations Division Andi Setiawan, in Mukomuko, Antara, Friday, March 11.

In investigating this case, his party has examined as many as 65 witnesses, including confiscated documents that are considered important for evidence. The Mukomuko Prosecutor's Office has scheduled the examination of several other witnesses in this case for next week. For example, the Ministry of Social Affairs Director General of the Poor.

His party asked the person concerned to prepare in advance the data requested by the investigator. In addition to the Director General, investigators also scheduled the examination of several witnesses, namely distributors from Padang, West Sumatra Province.

"There are only a few witnesses that we will examine. After the documents have been completed, investigators will then submit an application to the Bengkulu Representative Office of the BPKP for an audit," he said.

The distribution of BPNT within a period of two years or September 2019 to September 2021 has a nominal value of IDR 40 billion. During those two years, Kejari Mukomuko suspected that there was a game by several parties who had the authority to gain personal gain.

The party related to the BPNT Social Assistance is suspected of acting as a supplier of necessities to the e-warung; then the items such as rice, eggs and others were distributed to the BPNT social assistance recipients in Mukomuko.

In the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs (Permensos) Number 20 of 2019 in Article 39 paragraph (1) it is stated that social assistants are prohibited from forming e-warung, becoming suppliers of goods and receiving compensation, either in money or in kind, related to the distribution of BPNT.

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