BANDA ACEH - Legal practitioners in Aceh Province remind that the management of endowments must be transparent and accountable to prevent corruption. " said Askhalani, a legal practitioner, in Banda Aceh, Friday. Previously, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani allowed the regional government to allocate a budget for an endowment as an option for cross-generational benefit. The endowment fund is for regions that have high fiscal capacity and have met the needs of basic public services. Askhalani said long before the Minister of Finance allowed the establishment of an endowment fund, the Aceh government had had an education endowment fund since 2006. However, it is not known what this fund will be used for. "The amount of the endowment fund as well as what and where the education funds are used is unknown. And this certainly opens up opportunities for corruption to occur," said Askhalani.

According to Askhalani, transparency in the management of the endowment is the responsibility of the Aceh government. The Aceh government should publish the management of the endowment on a regular basis. "Legislative institutions such as the Aceh DPR must question the amount of the endowment fund received in the banking system, so that it can close the gap for irregularities in the management of the endowment," said Askhalani. Askhalani, who is also an anti-corruption activist, said the fund Endowment is a fund that is inserted for certain special interests, such as for education and health. "If the management is not closely monitored and not transparent, it certainly has the potential to be misused. Moreover, the amount of the endowment fund is quite large," said Askhalani as well.

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