BATAM - Head of the Riau Islands Province Education Office, Andi Agung, apologized for the late payment of salaries for non-ASN Education Personnel Employees (PTK).

"I apologize to all, regarding the late salary of PTK non-ASN," he said in Batam as reported by Antara, Friday, 11 Mart.

He stated that the late payment of non-ASN PTK salaries was due to administrative validation problems.

The head of the office, who has only been in office for about three weeks, stated that his party must validate the non-ASN PTK data that must be paid. Do not let what is not working is still contained in the data.

The delay in the payroll of non-ASN PTKs that occurred at the beginning of this year was a lesson, he said, so that it would not be repeated in the following year.

He emphasized that starting from the 2023 budget year, non-ASN PTK data validation will be carried out from December 2022, so as not to hamper payroll.

"Because we have to have a contract, every year we sign a contract, the person concerned must sign it, I also have to sign it. In essence, in December we have validated," he said.

Regarding the payment of non-ASN PTK salaries which were two months late, he said they had started to be paid.

"We paid today, the salary was delayed two months yesterday. Monday at the latest," he said.

He said that his party plans to make an application for promotion to make it easier for teachers to get their rights.

So far, to take care of promotions, teachers have to submit thick files. Then through the application it is enough to enter it in a special folder.

"This is just a discourse. God willing, it will happen," he said.

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