JAKARTA - The joint SAR team managed to find the body of a teenager who drowned in Ciliwung River, Kebon Baru Village, Tebet, South Jakarta, Sunday. The victim was known to be unable to swim and was known to be swept away.

"The joint SAR team found the body of the drowned victim in Ciliwung River at around 07.05 WIB this morning," said Head of the Jakarta Search and Rescue Office as SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) Hendra Sudirman.

Hendra said the teenager's body was found at a radius of 200 meters from the initial location of the drowned victim.

The victim named Daka Gibran Ardiansyah (16) drowned on Saturday, September 19 afternoon at around 15:40 WIB. The victim drowned while swimming with his friends at the Ciliwung River, which is not far from his house.

"It was found that the victim could not swim and ventured into the river until he was swept away and drowned," said Hendra.

The joint SAR team consisting of the Jakarta Search and Rescue Office, SAR MTA, OCC, Dompet Dhuafa, BAZNAS, RZ, VSE, PMI South Jakarta, KCR, LEA TBI, ACT, Potsar Kedoya, Rescue Lintas Volawan together with the victims' families have been searching since yesterday.

The search was carried out starting on the day of the incident using an inflatable boat, along the river, which was approximately five meters deep and 10 meters wide, until Saturday night the search was temporarily suspended.

The SAR team again conducted a morning search by dividing the search area into two where the first Search and Rescue Unit (SRU) conducted a search by sweeping using an inflatable boat along the Ciliwung River up to a radius of five kilometers from the scene, and the second SRU conducting a search by visual observation by land route up to a radius of three kilometers.

"In less than 24 hours, we found the victim in a state of death this morning, then we submitted it to the family for further processing," said Hendra.

Hendra on behalf of the government expressed his condolences to the families of the victims for the tragedy that befell the victims.

"On behalf of the government, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to the joint SAR team for their search for victims maximally," said Hendra.

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