BULELENG - Police said that the abuse of a child named Iskak Jaelani (53) against his father M Selamet to his death stems from an argument over the cat cage. The perpetrator abused his father because he did not want to move the cat and his cage.

"The motive was a temporary fight between parents and children. Because they often quarreled, yesterday (the perpetrator asked) to be asked to move the cage (the victim) was asked. But it needs to be further investigated whether it is true or not," said Sumarjaya, Friday, March 11.

Concerning the alleged perpetrator has a mental disorder, the police will conduct an examination of the relevant parties.

"Meanwhile, it is the experts who determine mental disorders. However, the steps for a psychiatric examination will be carried out later," he said.

The police are currently looking for evidence of abuse. The perpetrator admitted to beating his father with a stick.

"Evidence in the form of tools used for beatings is still being sought. Because based on the alleged perpetrator's confession, he still hasn't given a clear statement. His confession is using wood. Now, his confession is fickle," he said.

There were 3 witnesses who were asked to testify in this case. Meanwhile, the body will be autopsied at Buleleng Hospital.

"Our request remains for an autopsy, the body is still in Buleleng Hospital. There are three witnesses who allegedly heard around there," he said.

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