KALBAR - The General Election Commission (KPU) of North Kayong Regency (KKU), West Kalimantan declared the declaration of the development of an integrity zone towards a corruption-free area (WBK) and a clean and service bureaucracy area (WBBM).

"The KKU KPU is not carrying out the declaration of the integrity zone alone, but all levels of the KPU in West Kalimantan are also carrying out the same thing as one of the KPU's commitments in carrying out the tasks mandated in the law and is a guarantee of the KPU's integrity," said KPU KKU Chairman, Rudi Handoko when contacted in Sukadana, Thursday.

He hopes that the existing declaration will be a good start towards a KPU with more integrity. "Of course all need the support of all parties," he hoped.

The declaration was attended by the regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda) and the Vertical institution in North Kayong.

The declaration was also attended by the Deputy Regent of North Kayong, Effendi Ahmad.

On this occasion, Effendi conveyed that the KPU as the organizer of the election had great potential and opportunities for the practice of abuse of authority. Such efforts can injure integrity in the implementation of democracy.

Reflecting on this potential, said Effendi, it is necessary to declare an integrity zone towards WBK and WBBM. This is a belief that the KPU is able to carry out its mandate in the administration of elections and elections.

"As a district government, I support the efforts of the North Kayong Regency KPU to become an institution with integrity, clean and capable of serving the duties and functions inherent in public institutions," he said.

According to him, in 2022, which is the year the election stage begins, the KPU has the burden of carrying out its duties and functions in implementing all these stages, all of which will be financed by funds sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). .

"Together, we are an institution that serves the community, making sure we are able to realize it as an institution that can carry out the mandate of excellent service," he said.

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