JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, has asked residents not to look for fodder grass on the slopes of Mount Merapi. The reason is that the mountain has launched several hot clouds of avalanches since Wednesday (10/3) night until Thursday morning.

"We are coordinating with kelurahan officials on the slopes of Merapi to anticipate the presence of grass seekers who climb up," said the Head of BPBD of Sleman Regency, Makwan in Sleman, Thursday, March 10.

"Because the roaming area of these grazing residents can reach about three kilometers from the peak of Merapi, this is quite risky if a hot cloud occurs," continued Makwan, quoted from Antara.

The BPBD of Sleman Regency will monitor the paths commonly used by grass seekers to get to the upper slopes of Merapi.

"We, together with the village apparatus and volunteers, will monitor the path of the grazers, lest anyone climb up," said Makwan.

The BPBD of Sleman Regency has temporarily closed the sand mining area in the Gendol River flow in Kepuharjo Village as well as tourist attractions in Kepuharjo and Glagaharjo Villages.

"Tourism objects that are temporarily closed are the Kaliadem Bunker in Kepuharjo and Klangon Hill in Glagaharjo Village. Later, the Sleman Tourism Office will officially issue an advisory regarding this temporary closure," said Makwan.

Makwan said that the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi is likely to increase again and have an impact on the surrounding area.

Therefore, the BPBD of Sleman Regency prevents residents from carrying out activities in the mountain area.

"Everything we do is anticipation and prevention, so that there are no victims," said Makwan.

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