JAKARTA - The National Police's Food Task Force claims the availability or stock of cooking oil is still safe. However, distribution supervision will still be carried out.

"For the cooking oil found by the National Police, we encourage it to be immediately distributed according to the market mechanism," said Inspector General Helmy Santika, Head of the National Police's Food Task Force in his statement, Wednesday, March 9.

Supervision is carried out to prevent business actors from acting fraudulently. For example, holding back the distribution of cooking oil.

Their actions can cause a shortage of cooking oil. It even led to a significant price increase.

"Polri appealed to immediately distribute it, do not reduce production and distribution allocation," said Helmy.

In addition, the National Police Food Task Force will also continue to coordinate with related parties in supervision. This is because supervision will be carried out from production to distribution

"Do early detection related to the turmoil of problems that exist from the bottom level, both producers, farmers, traders, distributors, importers and consumers," said Helmy.

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