BANYUMAS - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Banyumas Regency continues to socialize the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). The main focus of this activity is now conveying information to young voters in schools.

"The goal is to let the public know from an early age that the election will be held on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, so that the public can welcome the democratic party happily. Meanwhile, those who want to run for legislative members can make preparations," said the chairman of the KPU Banyumas Regency. Imam Arif Setiadi in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Wednesday 9 March.

In addition, he said, the socialization is also an educational event for voters so that they can become independent voters.

On the one hand, Imam is aware that there is a discourse on postponing the 2024 General Election. However, he emphasized that his party adheres to the RI KPU Circular No. 21 of 2022 which states that the election will be held on February 14, 2024.

"Therefore, we are intensifying socialization so that the community is really ready to welcome the election," he added.

Regarding the socialization of the 2024 General Election, he said that his party had visited villages and sub-districts to disseminate information about the day and date of voting to the public.

According to him, his party also continues to carry out voter socialization and education activities (sosdiklih). However, the basis being worked on at this time is novice voters and the younger generation.

"We make visits to schools and campuses to hold election classes. We also invite various communities (to take election classes)," he added.

He said that his party was also still updating voter data continuously through plenary meetings every month in coordination with various agencies and institutions, especially the Banyumas Regency Population and Civil Registry Office.

"We are also coordinating with the Ministry of Religion, the Education Office, TNI/Polri, Religious Courts, and Correctional Institutions," he said.

Imam said that his party also made visits to political parties, especially political parties that were included in the parliament, in order to prepare for the implementation of political party verification.

Although he has not yet visited a new political party, his party still provides explanations about the verification activities of political parties to new political parties who come to the KPU office in Banyumas Regency.

"All of this is so that political parties in Banyumas are ready to take part in verification, considering that the election stage will begin on June 14, 2022 or 20 months before the voting," he said.

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