EAST LOMBOK - Regent of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara HM. Sukiman Azmy asked all parties not to allow child marriage or early marriage to occur and to try to prevent it. "We remind you not to allow child marriage," said HM Sukiman Azmy in his written statement, Wednesday, March 9. other parties to "facilitate children to study up to the highest education, so they can have a better future." Regent of East Lombok, education is an investment and a way to a better future, because completing school and preventing dropouts will also reduce other problems that can cause social problems. , which in the end is expected to improve the position of Lo's Human Development Index (IPM). mbok Timur," he said. The local government continues to be committed to supporting the education sector by improving adequate facilities and infrastructure, so that the welfare of the community will be better.

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