JAKARTA - Ensuring food availability is a very crucial thing to do ahead of this Ramadan. This is what Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo did through the Agricultural War Room (AWR) facility.
In fact, the demand for food as a basic need this month often experiences a significant increase, so that it often triggers distribution disturbances, scarcity, and increases in market prices. Using AWR's services and connecting to thousands of extension workers and farmers throughout Indonesia, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the food supply was sufficient and safe. He ensured that Ramadan, which falls in early April, can run conducive because food stocks as the basic needs of the community are guaranteed and fulfilled.
"I reviewed the Ministry of Agriculture and got an explanation about the availability of basic ingredients, especially in the face of Ramadan and Hari Raya. This is important, I emphasize that there are no shortages, such as the issue of soybeans or cooking oil,” said Ma'ruf Amin at the Central Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta.

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin immediately greeted the extension workers and farmers in Sumedang Regency who were in the chili garden.
"How is the condition of chili in Sumedang at this time? Is there sufficient stock?" asked Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. Not only that, Vice President Ma'ruf also greeted the millennial farmer from Cianjur, Sandi Okta Susila and was also invited to virtually review the frozen meat warehouse stock. As well as ensuring the stock of frozen meat for Ramadan and Eid is safe.
Furthermore, Ma'ruf Amin said that all parties must work together to realize and ensure the availability of food for the community. Other related parties, said Ma'aruf, must also support the government's efforts to improve people's food access, starting from the distribution aspect to efforts to stabilize food prices.
"This is not only the Ministry of Agriculture, I ask for good collaboration in the context of preparing availability and controlling prices, and being ready to intervene if there are things that interfere with availability and unreasonable price increases," he said.

This Ramadan is the 3rd year of the fasting month during the pandemic, Ma'aruf emphasized the importance of maintaining and controlling food supply and prices, especially in the month of Ramadan and Eid. He believes that by working together, the availability of food for Ramadan this year will be maintained and controlled as in previous years.
"Hopefully this Ramadan, even though the world is in trouble, we can anticipate it," he concluded.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, said that although the data showed sufficient numbers to meet the food needs of the community until Eid al-Fitr. He emphasized that he did not stop at data on paper, together with his staff he often validated and ensured that the data matched the physical facts in the field.
"As stated by the Vice President, we have done data and validation that this Ramadan our food needs are in sufficient condition. Regarding some commodity prices that have risen due to fluctuations in world prices which are also rising, but that doesn't mean the availability is lacking, I make sure everything is sufficient. , said Syahrul.
On the same occasion, Head of the Agricultural Human Resources Extension and Development Agency (BPPSDMP), Dedi Nursyamsi, added that agricultural activities are always monitored through AWR.
"Through AWR, we always monitor agricultural developments in the field. Including if there is a shortage of fertilizer, we immediately coordinate with BPP in all sub-districts and we ask the condition to farmers and extension workers," said Nursyamsi in front of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
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