JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo held a joint audience with representatives from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

Sigit emphasized that the National Police is currently committed to creating a safe and conducive investment climate. This is one of the commitments of the Precision Police program that was launched from the start.

"In principle, we Police have a Precision program in which we have a commitment to how we control the investment climate. Where it is in line with government policies," Sigit said in an audience quoted from a written statement by the Police Public Relations Division, Tuesday, March 8.

Sigit said, in creating the investment climate, the National Police currently prioritizes prevention and assistance to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts or other violations.

Even so, Sigit emphasized, law enforcement in this case is still needed. However, said Sigit, with the prevention and assistance, it is hoped that this will be the last resort or the Ultimum Remedium.

"Then our efforts are indeed more focused on prevention, then assistance. Although it is still the final effort to enforce the law. At the National Police, we have a concept, which means that Ultimum Remedium is the last alternative," said Sigit.

The spirit of assistance and prevention, according to Sigit, will provide understanding and education for entrepreneurs related to regulations and permits.

In addition, the National Police Chief said, the Police also provide assistance and supervision related to the budget sourced from the state. This is done to prevent budget leakage and potential criminal acts.

With the certainty of a safe and conducive investment climate, according to Sigit, it provides certainty for both domestic and foreign investors to invest in Indonesia.

Therefore, the National Police Chief welcomed the discourse to return to a memorandum of understanding or MoU between the Police and Kadin.

"We have to ensure that investment from outside and inside we are guarded so that there is investor certainty. That is our concern. Even though the memorandum of understanding ends in 2016," said Sigit.

The police continued, the National Police Chief also monitors the gaps in the occurrence of crime from a business perspective that currently utilizes the development of information technology.

According to Sigit, it is often found that there are business actors or investment modes that take advantage of technological developments to commit criminal acts, which are very detrimental to many people.

"But there are also many who then use it as a fraud mode. Things like that then there are victims so that people report it. We have to process it. Indeed, this needs to have a common perspective," said Sigit.

Even so, the National Police Chief said, his staff would be ready to provide assistance and supervision related to business through information technology that was in accordance with the rules. Regarding food, Sigit said, the National Police also has a role in maintaining price stability and food distribution to the community.

"We have a Food Task Force whose task is to help maintain price stability. Especially in a situation like the current cooking oil, when there is a shortage, we help our associates of retail entrepreneurs to check, to find out where the problem is, whether the producer, raw material or distribution. It's like yesterday we do it to help distribute it," said Sigit.

Meanwhile, Head of the Kadin Law Enforcement, Defense & Security Relations Agency, Bambang Soesatyo said his party hoped to establish cooperation with the National Police.

"Therefore, it is mainly a matter of licensing, mining, factories, exports and imports. Because we are also trying to maintain the economy and maintain investment in the country," said Bamsoet as he is familiarly known.

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