PADANG - The Pasaman Police and the West Sumatra Regional Police Mobile Brigade Unit built bathing, washing and toilet facilities to help residents living in emergency tents due to the 6.1 magnitude earthquake. 20 Malampah and Siparayo Malampah.

The two cleaning facilities are intended for refugees in Nagari Malampah, Pasaman Regency.

"The construction of this cleaning facility is one of the important services in handling refugees," he said in Padang, Tuesday, March 8.

He said clean water and other facilities were very important for displaced people in maintaining their cleanliness and health.

"Health and cleanliness of the refugees affected by this earthquake is very necessary, to avoid disease attacks," he said, quoted by Antara.

Each of the emergency cleaning facilities provided four bathrooms for men and women, four toilets for men and women and one washing area.

In addition, the Pasaman Police also helps provide and distribute clean water to meet the needs of the displaced people.

"The assistance was provided through two units of water tankers which were distributed to refugee locations," he said.

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