JAKARTA - Vanessa Khong fulfills the summons of the Criminal Investigation Police investigator. Vanessa was originally going to be examined as a witness in the alleged money laundering (TPPU) case of Indra Kenz, who is also her lover.

Based on VOI monitoring in the field, Vanessa Khong arrived at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police at around 11.28 WIB. He was accompanied by his attorney.

Vanessa is seen wearing a black floral print jacket on the sleeves with her hair in a ponytail. Unfortunately, there was no statement from Vanessa.

Vanessa chose to lock her mouth while entering the investigator's room to provide information.

However, the group did not see Vanessa's parents, who are also Indra Kenz's future parents-in-law, with the initials RP. In addition to calling Vanessa, investigators also summoned witness RP, who was none other than Vanessa's parents. The strong suspicion is that they will be questioned about the flow of money from Indra Kenz. This was done to trace whether or not the money from non-criminal proceeds which was being suspected of Indra Kenz was flowing to them.

"Information will be taken regarding each of the criminal cases and their relation to the flow of funds, whether they went to their accounts," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan when confirmed, Tuesday, March 8.

The examination of the two is an effort by investigators to investigate money laundering crimes (TPPU). This is because investigators have started the process of confiscation of assets suspected of being the proceeds of fraud under the guise of Binomo.

"Including the assets of the flow of funds distributed by IK to people, this will be investigated later," said Ramadhan.

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