JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Khorunnisa Nur Agustyati urged the Government to immediately ensure the availability of the 2024 General Election budget as concrete evidence of its commitment to continue holding the democratic party. 2024 is on schedule, immediately discuss (budget availability) and disburse the budget," said Ninis, Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati's nickname, when she became a resource person in the virtual public discussion of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) entitled "Postponing Elections: Constitutional Coup by Oligarchy", as monitored in Jakarta, Monday 7 March. According to him, if it is not immediately confirmed, the uncertainty regarding the availability of the 2024 election budget could hinder the implementation of the stages of the general election by the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU), which needs to start 20 months before the election date of 14 February 2024. .Furthermore, Ninis also highlighted The issue of the size of the 2024 election budget which was used as an excuse by certain parties to voice the discourse of postponing the election. Some of these parties, said Ninis, considered that the budget of Rp. still be held. To stop the emergence of such assumptions, Ninis said that the government and the election organizers should immediately ensure that the 2024 election budget is not an insurmountable problem. The government and the election organizers, said Ninis, could make budget savings at certain stages of the election. In addition, Ninis also advised the Government to immediately ratify KPU regulations related to the stages and schedules of all series of 2024 General Election activities. Thus, details of the stages and schedule of a series of election activities are needed in the near future.

In addition, Ninis added, the ratification of the KPU regulation will also be concrete evidence that President Joko Widodo and the government still want elections to be held in 2024. It can also provide certainty that President Joko Widodo and the government still want elections to be held in 2024," said Ninis.

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