KAPUAS HULU - The arrival of Rungai in his hometown, Sungai Ajung Village, Batang Lupar District, Kapuas Hulu region, West Kalimantan was greeted with sobs from the family. How not, Rungai has 'disappeared,' in Malaysia for 66 years.

The middle-aged man suffered a minor stroke when he returned to his homeland via the Entikong State Border Post (PLBN) in Sanggau Regency.

"I was touched to see Mr. Rungai go up to the Betang house to be greeted by his family's sobs, I couldn't stand the sight, I also cried," said Head of the Kapuas Hulu Social Service, Martha Banang, as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 7.

While undergoing quarantine at the Entikong PLBN, the officers had difficulty repatriating Rungai who came from Malaysia alone. When he returned to Indonesia, Rungai joined a group of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) through PLBN Entikong with only a letter from the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching and a sick letter from Hospital Mukah Sarawak.

According to her, officers at the Entikong PLBN initially had difficulty returning Rungai, with a mild stroke and alone and with a limited identity.

"To the officers in Entikong, Rungai claimed to be from the Bakul area, Batang Lupar District, after we coordinated with officers at Entikong and the Sanggau Social Service, I tried to communicate with Mr. Rungai's family through the Batang Lupar Police Chief," said Martha.

After searching for Rungai's family the Batang Lupar Sector Police then communicated with the family.

"I asked the Batang Lupar Police for help, looking for the address of Mr. Rungai's family, it was true that Mr. Rungai was from the Bakul area, but Mr. Rungai's brother lives in Sungai Ajung Village, Batang Lupar District," said Martha.

On our return from Rungai from the Entikong PLBN, they used public transportation to Putussibau and they temporarily accommodated them to rest at the Kapuas Hulu Social Service halfway house. After that, her party took Rungai to his family in Sungai Ajung Village.

"Right now Mr. Rungai has gathered with his family, I immediately handed it over, witnessed by the Batang Lupar Police and the local Koramil," she said.

Martha expressed her gratitude to all those who have assisted in the repatriation and quarantine process at the Entikong PLBN.

"Thank you to all parties, be it the officers at Entikong, the Sanggau Social Service, the Kapolsek, Danramil, village heads and including the RRI journalists in Entikong who took part in taking care of Mr. Rungai," said Martha.

She hopes that the synergy will continue to be well established in helping people who need assistance. "We are very solid and have good coordination, so that finally Mr. Rungai can reunite with his family," said Martha.

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