JAKARTA - The Office of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is the cluster of the most COVID-19 transmission in DKI Jakarta. The Ministry of Health has 188 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

In detail, there were 49 positive cases at the Ministry of Health's Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes) office, while 139 others were at the Ministry of Health's central office.

The data for the office COVID-19 cluster is owned by the DKI Health Office, which was quoted from the Jakarta Provincial Government's COVID-19 handling site corona.jakarta.go.id, Thursday, September 17.

The second largest COVID-19 cluster is the Ministry of Transportation which has 90 cases of COVID-19. The next sequence is in the office of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) with 73 COVID cases.

Then, the other most office clusters are in private companies engaged in the production of plastic packaging, namely PT DNP with 72 cases of COVID-19.

After that, there was a COVID-19 cluster in the Bethel Indonesia Theology College Dormitory, Tanah Abang with a total of 65 cases of COVID-19. Bethel dormitories have become a corona virus cluster since positive cases were found in mid-April.

The next sequence is Pondok Bambu Detention Center with a total of 62 cases of COVID-19. Then, the private office of PT Samudera Indonesia with a total of 54 cases of COVID-19.

As is known, both government and private office areas contributed to the new cluster of positive cases of COVID-19. For this reason, Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) this time will be focused on the office sector.

"We are witnessing a significant increase and need to take extra steps for the handling of the COVID-19 case in Jakarta," said Anies.

According to Anies, during the last three months all activity sites have implemented health protocols with discipline. In fact, there are no more reports of market closings due to positive cases of COVID-19.

In fact, Anies said, most of the incidents occurred in office areas, both municipal and private. PSBB tightening will be carried out in line with the Regulation of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform.

"As for government offices, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform in high-risk zones, it is allowed to operate with a maximum of 25 percent of employees, Jakarta in the next 2 weeks will operate in the status of allowing ASN 25 percent in accordance with Menpan regulations. RB, "explained Anies.

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