BANDA ACEH - A resident of Gampong Pueb, Pidie Jaya Regency, was found dead after going missing while fishing in the Krueng Putu River.

"The victim was dragged into the Krueng Putu River just before sunset while fishing," said Pijay Police Chief AKBP Musbagh Ni'am in Pidie Jaya, Thursday, March 4.

Iptu Dedy explained that the victim who was found dead was Taufik (30), a resident of Pueb Lueng Nibong Village, Bandar Baru District, Pidie Jaya Regency.

He said that on Wednesday, March 2 before sunset at around 19.00 WIB the victim did not return home, so the family was worried and searched around the village.

"There was news from residents that in the afternoon the victim was on the river bank fishing," he said.

However, when the family went to the location, they only found sandals belonging to the victim on the riverbank.

The family began to panic, suspecting that the victim was dragged into the river while fishing, so they reported to the Bandar Baru Police to ask for help.

The Police, assisted by the Koramil Team from TNI 11 Bandar Baru, moved to look for victims around the Krueng Putu River with normal river water conditions and rainy weather.

At around 20.40 WIB, the victim was found in the river, lifeless.

"We have handed over the victim to the family and fardhu kifayah has been carried out in the local village," said Iptu Dedy Miswar.

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