JAKARTA - The body of Rinaldi Harley Wismanu, a mutilation victim found in the Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta, was not executed there. The police said that Rinaldi was executed at another location in the West Jakarta area.

"The TKP (execution location) is at the West Jakarta Mansion. Here (Kalibata City Apartments) only put the victims," said Head of Criminal Investigation of Pancoran Police, Iptu Supardi to reporters, Wednesday, September 16.

In addition, Rinaldi's body was found after the police received a report from the apartment manager. His body was found in a unit in the Ebony Tower Kalibata City Apartment.

"On the 16th floor, his body was stored here. The place where the perpetrator put the victim," he said.

Previously, this mutilation case began with information received by the police regarding the discovery of a body at Kalibata City Apartments, South Jakarta. This report was received by the police on 9 September.

The dismembered corpse was found wrapped in a plastic bag in the suitcase. It is suspected that the corpse had been in the suitcase for several days.

The identity of the corpse was identified as Rinaldi Harley Wismanu based on the autopsy results. The autopsy process was carried out because the victim's characteristics were similar to someone who was reported missing on 12 September.

Rinaldi Harley Wismanu is an employee of PT Jaya Obayashi. He has held the position of Human Resource and General Affairs Manager.

A perpetrator has been arrested in Depok, West Java. However, the police are still hunting down the other perpetrators. Meanwhile, the motive for the mutilation is not yet known.

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