SEMARANG - Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the Central Java Province ESDM Office to coordinate with Pertamina to monitor the distribution of oil and gas in Central Java. Including the potential for migration or conversion of non-subsidized gas consumers to subsidized gas.

Ganjar explained that Russia's invasion of Ukraine had an effect on the relations between nations and states, how countries in Western Europe and America responded to them and countries that joined NATO.

"When the Chinese block started to join Russia's camp. I saw that we must be prepared regarding oil and gas prices. It turned out to be true, not long after that Pertamina raised the price of non-subsidized gas," said Ganjar while attending the online inauguration ceremony for the BPD HIPMI Central Java management. , Friday March 4th.

The increase in non-subsidized gas prices, continued Ganjar, raises concerns regarding the distribution of subsidized gas or 3 kg of gas. He asked the relevant agencies to be careful about the potential for migration or conversion of non-subsidized gas consumers to subsidized gas.

"I immediately contacted the ESDM Office (Central Java Province), I asked for communication with Pertamina. Be careful the conversion to 3 kg gas will occur. Those who have difficulty finding non-subsidized gas will look for 3 kg gas because buying 3 kg gas is so easy. easy, there are no strict restrictions," said Ganjar.

Head of the Central Java Province ESDM Office, Sujarwanto, said the governor had instructed him to coordinate with Pertamina since the announcement of the increase in non-subsidized gas prices. There are two important points of the instruction, first, ensuring supply is maintained. Second, monitoring the potential for migration from non-subsidized to 3 kg LPG gas.

"Indications of a migration can be read if demand for 3 kg LPG increases while sales of 12 kg decrease. We are monitoring this with Pertamina and Hiwana Migas as well as 12 branch offices. We also formalize the assignment to Pertamina and Hiswana Migas with a letter from the service," he said.

Sujarwanto explained that until the fifth day after the price increase on 27 February 2022, there was no indication of migration of non-subsidized gas consumers to subsidized gas. Public demand is still reasonable and stocks are still safe, both non-subsidized gas and subsidized gas.

"We take care that there is no migration. If there is a migration, it is within our monitoring limits to straighten the distribution. We hope that we will be right on target. I also hope that fellow entrepreneurs, including households, do not depend on LPG. We recommend using an electric stove or an induction stove. because it is more efficient than 3 kg LPG. We try to save energy. People must use energy as needed," he explained.

In addition to monitoring the distribution of LPG, the ESDM Office of Central Java Province together with Pertamina also monitors the supply of fuel in Central Java. This is a follow-up to the increase in non-subsidized fuel prices such as Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite, and Pertamina Dex as of March 3, 2022.

"Yesterday there was also an increase in fuel prices. We also continue to monitor the policy regarding the increase in BBM types for Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite, and Pertamina Dex. For Pertalite, Pertamax, and Solar there is no increase. Stocks for all types of fuel are safely available for more than three days in all areas of Central Java. So people don't have to panic," he said.

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