JAKARTA - The President Commissioner of PT Pertamina, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) opens the opportunity to reconcile with two suspects of defamation and insulting his family. If this happens, case handling can be stopped.

"There is a possibility that the lawyer said that the reporter would try to forgive him," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Wednesday, September 16.

However, until now Ahok's attorney has not withdrawn the report regarding the case. Even in handling the case, it is already in stage one.

"For the matter of defamation of Ahok, the KS and EJ suspects, the case files are ready for phase I," he said.

So, investigators are still waiting for the development of Ahok's attorney. If later there is no word of peace, the legal process will continue.

"That's why we are still waiting from the lawyers. If we are already on the track," said Yusri.

The police previously arrested two suspects of defamation and insulting Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and his family. They were arrested at different locations. KS was secured by Bali, while the suspect EJ was in Medan, North Sumatra.

The arrests were made after the police moved to follow up on Ahok's lawyer on May 17. From the results of the investigation, the perpetrator claimed to be a supporter of Veronica Tan, Ahok's ex-wife.

Because of their actions, the two suspects were charged under Article 27 paragraph 3 and Article 45 paragraph 3 Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE). Both face a maximum sentence of 4 years in prison.

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