JAKARTA - Barbados has finally agreed to recognize same-sex civil unions in a major breakthrough for LGBT rights in the Caribbean. The small island nation has recently begun repealing its colonial-era homosexuality law in the face of growing criticism for its poor human rights record.

Although the government insisted that they had not yet permitted same-sex marriage, they agreed to take the matter to a referendum and be "guided by public votes".

"Mr. President, my government is ready to recognize the form of a civil union for couples of the same sex to ensure that no human being in Barbados will be discriminated against, in the exercise of the civil rights which should belong to them," the governor general Dame Sandra Mason stated. at the opening of parliament on Tuesday, reported by Pink News.

“The settlement in Barbados is born and fostered in discrimination, but it is time for us to end discrimination in all its forms. I want to emphasize that my government does not allow all forms of same-sex marriage, and will take this matter to a public referendum.

"My government will receive and be guided by a public vote as promised in the manifesto."

If Barbados is to be considered among the world's progressive nations, he continued, it must change the way they treat sexuality and human relations.

He acknowledged that the move was likely to create controversy, and that there had been resistance from within parliament.

Opposition senator Caswell Franklyn accused the government of sending mixed signals about homosexuality and suggested they try to "slip [the law] through the back door".

By recognizing same-sex civil unions, the government is encouraging people to break the law, he said, because homosexuality is still technically illegal in Barbados.

"They have to stop this nonsense and think things over. They are not talking about the morals of this country," he told Barbados Today.

“Whether Americans like it or not, whether Europeans like it or not, this is Barbados and Barbados has certain values. Now if you want to change those values, you have to implement them gradually for people to accept them. "

He called on the government to announce a referendum on same-sex civil unions, not just same-sex marriage, and "let everyone join the debate".

However, the prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, appears to be more progressive on this issue. In July he explained that Barbados was "welcoming to all" as he invited same-sex couples to live and work remotely on the island in a bid to kick-start the tourism industry after the pandemic.

Touching on the island's anti-LGBT + laws, he said: “This country, which has sadly been forged in the belly of discrimination, doesn't want to discriminate against anyone for any reason. All must breathe in this country. "

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