JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gelora Party DPP, Fahri Hamzah admits that he is not a supporter of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). However, he wants the 7th President of Indonesia to end his second term in office well.

This was conveyed by Fahri through his Twitter account, @Fahrihamzah. The former PKS politician did not agree with the extension of the presidential term as well as the discourse on the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) being postponed.

"I am the person who wants Pak Jokowi to end well so that he will be known by a big name and statesmanship because he is obedient and obedient to our constitutional schedule," said Fahri.

Fahri asked the political elite not to mislead Jokowi by voicing the plan to increase the president's term of office. "Please think about this carefully. Don't lust over common sense. Don't be reckless and reckless," he continued.

According to him, the term of office and the period of presidential leadership are regulated in the constitution which has become the culture and legal basis of a democratic country. Fahri said that the plan to extend the presidency is tantamount to destroying democracy and Jokowi's future of statesmanship.

Fahri emphasized that what he conveyed was not solely aimed at getting closer to the government. He has no interest in joining the government carriage and will maintain his position as an opposition figure until Jokowi ends his term as head of state.

"Once again, for two terms, I was not a voter of Mr. Jokowi, not a supporter of Jokowi, never to be part of Pak Jokowi's Success Team. And I did not want to be part of Mr. Jokowi's government. But I do not want another president to end tragically and embarrassingly," he said.

Previously, the idea of postponing the 2024 general election as well as extending the term of office of the president to three terms circulated among the political elite.

But in fact, the discourse was rejected by many people. According to the latest survey results from the Indonesian Survey Institute, the public wants the 2024 elections to be held according to the schedule set by the DPR, the government and the organizers of the democratic party in February 2024.

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