JAKARTA - The children of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Kaesang Pangarep some time ago were reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) by Jakarta State University (UNJ) lecturer Ubedilah Badrun.

So what happens to the reporting?

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said the reports against Gibran and Kaesang were still in process. It's just that at this time it has not yet been taken into action, but it is still in the public complaints section.

"Indeed, the process is still in the public's complaint, so it has not yet been taken into action. This means that in the process of public complaints, the Dumas or now we call it PLPM, yes," said Ali as quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Friday, March 4.

Ali said that this process did take time because the verification of the complaint data and the study were continuing. Including, the KPK may ask the complainant to complete his report.

So the public is asked to be patient and not to press the anti-corruption commission because they are currently working. All the results and findings of this complaint will also be presented to the public.

"Later, of course, the developments regarding this will be conveyed," he said.

"Because this does take time and the process there is to verify the study data. Including of course whether the party can later complete the report and can then discuss it further with the officer in the public complaint," Ali added.

Previously reported, Ubedilah reported the two children of President Jokowi because they were both suspected of corruption and money laundering.

"This report is related to allegations of criminal acts of corruption and or money laundering (TPPU) related to allegations of KKN business relations between the president's son and a business group suspected of being involved in forest fires," Ubedilah told reporters after reporting to the KPK. from 2015. At that time, there was a large company called PT SM which was already a suspect in forest fires and had been sued by the Ministry of Environment for a value of Rp. 7.9 trillion.

The Supreme Court (MA) then only granted the claim of Rp. 78 billion. Ubedilah said this happened after President Jokowi's son formed a joint company with a high-ranking subsidiary of PT SM in February 2019.

With this condition, the allegations of corruption, collusion and nepotism very clearly involve Gibran, Kaesang, and the children of PT SM officials because of an injection of capital investment funds from a venture company.

"Twice, funds were disbursed. The figure was approximately Rp. 99.3 billion in the near future. After that, the president's son bought shares in a company whose figure was also quite fantastic at Rp. 92 billion," said Ubedilah.

"And that for us is a big question mark, can a young person who has just set up a company easily get a capital investment with a quite fantastic figure if he is not the president's son," he added.

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