JAKARTA - The President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok suspected that the Public Company for Printing Money of the Republic of Indonesia (Perum Peruri) was deliberately seeking profit in a collaborative project with Pertamina.
This is because Peruri, who is also a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), asked for IDR 500 billion for the paperless digitization project. This irritated him.
Ahok was confirmed about this, and was reluctant to specify whether the payment for this project had been made or not. It's just that, he said, everything was written neatly in the minutes of the meeting. There is even a video in the meeting.
"Everything is in the recorded and written minutes of the meeting," Ahok told VOI , Jakarta, Wednesday, September 16.
Everything about this project, said Ahok, will be explained in time. "Later Peruri can explain to the board of directors," said Ahok.
Ahok, in the YouTube footage of the Poin channel, admitted that he was angry with Perum Peruri, who set a price of Rp. 500 billion for the paperless digitization project.
"Now I am pushing for a digital signature. But Peruri is asking for Rp500 billion for a paperless digitization project," Ahok was quoted as saying Wednesday.
"It's the same. Pertamina doesn't want to work anymore, sleeps ten years, so I say pythons, pythons," he said.
According to Ahok, this project should be much cheaper. "It doesn't make sense like this. You Peruri already got Rp10 billion, Rp20 billion is good," he said.
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