JAKARTA - The Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) has scheduled a Palm Oil Farmers Gathering in a series of activities to celebrate the 99th Harlah in Palembang, South Sumatra, March 3-5, 2022.

PBNU Chair for Economics and Environment Arif Rahmansyah Marbun said the activity was in line with PBNU's focus this year, namely optimizing the assistance of sustainable oil palm farmers. "The Halaqah and NU Palm Oil Farmers Gathering are planned in Kencana Mulia Village, Rambang District, Muara Enim, South Sumatra," he explained in a press statement, Antara, Wednesday, March 2.

At the Oil Palm Farmers' Gathering, oil palm farmers will directly meet with various relevant policy makers. This is intended as a joint deliberation effort to find solutions to the actual problems faced by oil palm farmers.

He hopes that the management of people's oil palm plantations can touch local wisdom more and be sustainable. So that the practice of mentoring in the field is more effective, optimal, and actually improves the welfare of oil palm farmers.

The Palm Oil Farmers' Meeting and Halaqah (discussion related to religious matters) are also intended as a productive dialogue forum that can align policy or regulatory issues with the needs of farmers. With this farmer's meeting, PBNU wants to ensure the presence of the government in improving the pro-people management of palm oil plantations.

At this moment, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy handed over assistance for community palm oil rejuvenation and the handover of HGU certificates for social forests by the Minister of Environment and Forestry to representatives of Cooperatives and Gapoktan.

The peak of Harlah will be held at the Jakabaring Sport Center Hall, Palembang, coupled with a focused workshop presenting experts and policy makers at the technical level.

One of the halaqahs, namely the Halaqah "Mechanism of Proposing People's Oil Palm Rejuvenation", will present speakers from the Deputy for Food and Agribusiness Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, President Director of PTPN III, President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, President Director of PT Sinar Mas, President Director of BNI, to the President Director of the Coconut Plantation Fund Management Agency. Palm Oil (BPDP-KS).

All are intended to oversee efforts to increase the potential of the palm oil-based economy which leads to the productivity and welfare of farmers and all stakeholders in oil palm agriculture in an equitable manner.

Meanwhile, on the 99th Anniversary of NU, there will also be a MSME Meeting, and a Halaqah on Climate Control, Environmental and Land Rehabilitation, taking the tagline of the spirit of "Sustainable Nature, Prosperity of Farmers".

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