JAKARTA - The Prosecutor's Commission (Komjak) assesses that the issuance of the decision to terminate the prosecution (SKP2) against Nurhayati is the right step taken by the Cirebon District Attorney, West Java, to fulfill the sense of justice in the community.

According to Komjak Chairman Barita Simanjuntak, SKP2 is a legal remedy that can be taken when a case has entered the prosecution stage by the public prosecutor.

"So the authority to determine the revocation of Nurhayati's status as a suspect in the stages that have come to this, only rests with the public prosecutor so that formally and materially it has legitimacy according to the Criminal Procedure Code," Barita said in a written statement received in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 2.

Barita is of the opinion that the AGO's efforts to issue SKP2 for Nurhayati are a guarantee of legal certainty.

Barita hopes that the public will not be afraid to report cases of alleged criminal acts of corruption that have occurred in their area.

"This step is a guarantee of legal certainty for everyone not to be afraid to report corruption incidents anywhere. There are laws that guarantee protection and there is effective supervision," he said.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Law Enforcement Supervision and Oversight Institute (LP3HI) appreciates the Attorney General's Office for issuing SKP2 against Nurhayati. because he could be a suspect like Nurhayati.

"In the future, anyone who tries to reveal the truth will always be in the shadow of fear," said Kurniawan.

Kurniawan hopes that the public prosecutor can be more thorough before receiving a warrant for the start of an investigation (SPDP) from the police.

"So the step of the Prosecutor's Office to stop this prosecution should be appreciated," he said.

Separately, the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office, Febrie Adriansyah, emphasized that his party would continue to coordinate with the police regarding the handling of corruption cases.

According to him, the Attorney General's Office will protect those who report corruption cases, such as the case involving Nurhayati.

"We will support every reporting of corruption cases. The Prosecutor's Office considers that the reporter for corruption cases is someone who must be defended," said Febrie.

Nurhayati, Head of Financial Affairs (Kaur) Citemu Village, Cirebon Regency is a reporter for a village fund corruption case that was named a suspect by the Cirebon Police.

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