SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government re-checked the readiness of the facilities and infrastructure of the Pasar Turi Baru Surabaya, East Java, ahead of the opening of the market.

"In order to speed up the inspection, each floor is checked by a team consisting of various offices," said Head of the Surabaya City Small and Medium Business Cooperatives and Trade Office Fauzie Mustaqiem Yos at Turi Baru Market, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 2.

Before checking, they received guidance from Assistant 2 for the Economy and Development of the City of Surabaya, Irvan Widyanto. Irvan also led the division of the team on the ground floor of Pasar Turi Baru.

The checks were carried out jointly by the ranks of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, the Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives and Trade Service, the Environment Service, and the Transportation Service.

Then the Public Housing and Settlement Areas and Land Service, Water Resources and Highways Service, Legal and Cooperation Division, and a team from PT Gala Bumi Perkasa. In fact, a team from the Surabaya District Attorney's Office as State Attorney was also attended.

According to Yos, each of these teams will check the results of the feasibility study of the building structure in the form of building lighting, repair of floor tiles, glass walls for voids and railings, escalators and elevators, toilet facilities and accessories.

In addition, fire fighting facilities and infrastructure, ventilation and air conditioning facilities throughout the building, generator facilities and equipment, stand facilities prepared (especially for traders in Temporary Shelters), and healthy facilities (sanitation and water storage).

In addition, Yos continued, the Transportation Service also checked the parking and ram floors, the Water Resources and Highways Service carried out checks regarding drainage recommendations, the Environment Service checked the IPAL and B-3 waste TPS locations as well as the environmental approval process, including in it includes technical approvals and compliance with waste water quality standards. These teams were also accompanied by PT Gala Bumi Perkasa.

"Each team for checking the infrastructure of the building is equipped with a checklist form from each regional apparatus, so that later it will be known which ones need to be repaired and which ones are good enough," he said.

Yos ensured that the results of the checks from each team would be collected into a single unit and reported to several parties. This is done to assess the readiness of Pasar Turi Baru, especially regarding its facilities and infrastructure.

"Together, we want to provide a safe and comfortable place for traders and visitors," he said.

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