JAKARTA - The West Sumatra Regional Police will add sniffer dog personnel to search for victims buried by landslides triggered by the earthquake on Friday, February 24 in Pasaman Regency.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Satake Bayu, said the search was carried out by a joint team of the TNI, Polri and the SAR team manually, involving the K-9 animal unit from the West Sumatra Police.

Currently, there are two sniffer dogs at the site of searching for landslide victims. But he did not rule out adding a sniffer dog again.

"Later at least like that (additions), we ask the Regional Police to add sniffer dogs in their search," Satake said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the health task force, one of which consists of the West Sumatra Regional Police Biddokkes, helps provide health services to the community. "So if there are people who are sick, there is health service in that place," he said, Wednesday, March 2.

Meanwhile, one of the five missing victims was found by joint officers from the TNI, Polri, Basarnas and volunteers on Wednesday (2/3) morning.

It is said, initially the victim was first discovered by the team and the community on Tuesday (1/3) around 17.30 WIB. At that time, joint officers evacuated the victims using a manual tool in the form of a hoe.

However, because it was night and preventing unwanted things from happening, the evacuation of victims continued the next day.

"At around 11.00 WIB, the victim was successfully evacuated and then taken to the local health center," he said

From the examination, the victim was identified as Suar (56). He is a resident of the village of Gugung Jorong I Siparayo Nagari Malampah, Tigo Nagari District.

Meanwhile, for the other four victims who have not been found, currently joint officers and assisted by the community and volunteers are still searching.

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