REJANG LEBONG - The Resort Police (Polres) of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, arrested AD alias Dores (19) a resident of Apur Village, Sindang Beliti Ulu Subdistrict who robbed (beheaded) an elementary school teacher's motorbike on duty in the area on February 24, 2022.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Tonny Kurniawan said that Dores was arrested by Padang Ulak Tanding Police (PUT) officers on Monday (28/2) morning. When the officers were about to be arrested, the suspect resisted and tried to run away, so he had to be rewarded with hot lead in his left leg.

"It happened on Thursday afternoon, February 24, 2022, the victim was Endang Purwanti, a resident of Air Meles Atas Village, Selupu Rejang District. The incident began when the victim and other teachers were returning home from teaching, but suddenly on Jalan Raya Apur Village, the victim was intercepted by the perpetrator and threatened the victim. with wood and sharp weapons," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Tuesday, March 1.

He explained that victim Endang Purwanti (28) who works as a teacher at SDN 65 Rejang Lebong in Lubuk Alai Village, Sindang Beliti Ulu District (SBU). As a result of this incident the victim lost a black motorcycle belonging to the Yamaha Jupiter Z brand and the BD 4813 KM plate.

After the incident, the victim and two of his colleagues reported the incident to the PUT Police.

According to the information from the Head of the PUT Police, Tomy Syahri, after receiving a report from the victim, his party immediately conducted an investigation to reveal the perpetrators of this robbery and after several days of investigating the officers managed to secure AD alias Dores, who at that time was playing playing cards at a celebration venue in Apur Village.

"At that time, the perpetrators were aware of the arrival of the police and made the perpetrators try to run away. However, because of the dexterity of the officers, the perpetrators were arrested. We had to take decisive action against the perpetrators, because when they were about to be taken into custody, they tried to run away and put up a fight," he explained.

In addition to successfully securing the perpetrators, the PUT Polsek officers also managed to secure evidence of the victim's motorbike which had been sold by the perpetrator to a trafficker with the initials RG, a resident of Warung Pojok Village, Sindang Dataran District for Rp. 1.5 million.

"The proceeds from selling the motorbike amounting to Rp. 1.5 million were used by the perpetrators for indulgences such as playing gambling, drinking liquor, and meeting their daily needs," said the PUT Police Chief.

Meanwhile, victim Endang Purwanti admitted that she had taught at SDN 65 Rejang Lebong for three years and had never been disturbed. He is still traumatized by this incident, and he has not even dared to go to work since a few days.

"Now I am still traumatized, until now I have not entered teaching work. We hope that in the future there will be no more incidents that befall education personnel. Because the goal is to teach and educate the nation's children," said Endang Purwanti.

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