PASAMAN BARAT - The Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) of West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) lowered three heavy equipment to clean up landslide material that occurred in Rimbo Kejahan Kajai, Talamau District, today.

"We have lowered heavy equipment to clear the landslide material. Until now, the traffic flow at Simpang Empat-Talu has been completely cut off," said Head of the West Pasaman PUPR Service, Jon Edwar, at Simpang Empat, Antara, Tuesday, March 2.

According to him, his party is currently unable to determine how many landslide points occurred at that location because the cleaning is carried out starting from the starting point. "Currently we are focusing on clearing the landslide material first. How many points have not been confirmed," he said.

In addition to landslides, the asphalt road at that location was also crushed and almost destroyed in half, making four-wheeled vehicles unable to pass through the road.

As a result of the landslide and the blocked road, the traffic access of the Simpang Empat-Talu was completely cut off. Long lines of vehicles from both sides are inevitable.

One of the drivers, Aswin, estimated that there were three landslide locations with a length of about 300 meters and a height of nearly two meters of landslide material.

"It is estimated that there are landslide points. Me and other drivers cannot pass through this road," he said.

He estimates that the landslide material that has buried the road, precisely in Rimbo Kejahan, Jembatan Panjang, is approximately 300 meters and almost two meters high.

The Rimbo Crime area is an area that was affected by an earthquake some time ago. Roads and hills around the road also have a lot of landslides and crashes.

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