JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) continues to be committed to building national harmony by strengthening the synergy between the ulama and the umara (government) as a form of penthahelix policy in countering terrorism.

BNPT Director of Prevention, Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, said cooperation between ulama and the government was urgently needed in an effort to support the prevention of the spread of radical understanding of terrorism in society.

One of these synergy efforts, said Nurwakhid, was proved by the gathering of the Head of BNPT, Commissioner General of Pol Dr. Boy Rafli Amar MH, and the ranks of the leadership of the Al Habib Ali Kwitang Taklim Council or better known as the Habib Ali Kwitang Assembly in the Kwitang Area, Central Jakarta, Monday 28 February.

Quoted by Antara, Habib Ali Al Habiby Kwitang is the grandson of the late Al Habib Ali bin Abdul Rahman Alhabsy or known as Al Habib Ali Kwitang (1870-1968). He was a prominent Islamic broadcaster in Jakarta in the 20th century and the founder and first leader of the Kwitang Taklim Council who had produced many ulama and national figures.

Apart from being a prominent Islamic broadcaster in Jakarta, the late Al Habib Ali bin Abdulrahhman Al Habsy during his lifetime was also known as a unifying figure for all groups. In preaching, he prioritizes the unity of the people and embraces all groups, and avoids division.

During the meeting, the Head of BNPT as conveyed by Nurwakhid hoped that the Majlis Taklim Al Habib Alhabsy Kwitang would continue to protect the people and become the center for the cadre of the nation's children with integrity towards the religion of the nation and state.

"The Head of BNPT (Boy Rafli Amar) views that the existence of a majlis taklim like this is very important in providing education for a good future for the nation's children who have integrity towards the religion of the nation and state, especially in the current digitalization era," said Nurwakhid after accompanying Head of BNPT in the meeting.

He said the Head of BNPT conveyed that this gathering was, of course at the same time, increasing the ties of brotherhood among fellow believers in an effort to knit national harmony.

The head of the BNPT considered that (late) Al Habib Ali bin Abdul Rahman Al Habsy as told by his grandson was a religious figure who should be imitated in preaching, especially in the current era which is full of contradictions and differences that lead to division.

For this reason, BNPT will follow up on this gathering through various jointly designed activities. According to him, BNPT's jargon "Realizing National Harmony" is in line with the da'wah character developed by Al Habib Ali Kwitang at his Majlis Taklim.

"Some very strategic activities going forward are the establishment of the Majlis Silaturrahim Pancasila which will involve all majlis taklim in Jakarta. Because historically this assembly has played an important role in strengthening Pancasila values. In addition, supporting the commemoration of Haul Al habib Ali bin Abdulrahman activities Alhasbsy Kwitang which will be held on March 27, 2022," said the alumni of the Police Academy in 1989.

In addition to being accompanied by the Director of Prevention, the Head of BNPT was also accompanied by the Main Secretary (Sestama) of BNPT Major General TNI Dedi Sambowo.

During the visit, the Head of BNPT and his staff also took the time to visit the tomb of Habib Ali Al-Habsyi and pray dzuhr in congregation, with the grandson of Habib Ali bin Abdul Rahman Al-Habsyi at the Habib Alhabsy Kwitang Islamic Center.

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