BANDA ACEH - Hundreds of residents of Alue Ie Mirah Village, Indra Makmur District, East Aceh Regency, were displaced due to flooding that hit the area following rain in the village for the last two days. "Hundreds of Alue Ie Mirah residents have taken refuge in the meunasah. this," said Indra Makmu Russamin sub-district head in East Aceh, Sunday, February 27. He said that until now heavy rains have continued to hit, so that thousands of houses in Indra Makmu sub-district have been flooded with water levels of about 50 centimeters to one meter. "Currently, there are eight villages have been flooded and thousands of people have been affected. Among them are Alue Ie Mirah Villages, Jamboe Lubok, North Julok Rayeuk, South Julok Rayeuk, Blang Nisam, Pelita Sagub Jaya, Seneubok China," said Russamin. help evacuate residents trapped by floods. In addition, it also coordinates with the district government regarding emergency response assistance. "We ask people not to stay at home because the water level continues to increase. If the water continues to increase, evacuate immediately, either mosques, meunasah, or other places," said Russamin. Meanwhile, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Aceh Regency stated that a number of sub-districts in the area had begun to be surrounded by floods.

"It has been raining with high intensity since Friday (25/2) causing flooding to submerge houses as well as community plantations and rice fields," said the Head of BPBD East Aceh Ashadi. and District Ranto Peureulak. Meanwhile, other sub-districts are still under data collection by officers. "We hope that the keuchik or village heads continue to monitor their areas because the rains are still ongoing with light or heavy intensity," said Ashadi. Gayo Lues almost broke off due to heavy rains which caused the road to collapse. "The inter-district route was severed after the road collapsed with a length of about 30 centimeters which resulted in the flow of vehicles from both directions being completely paralyzed," said Ashadi. continued to flush the area. The road that collapsed and almost broke was felt in Bhom Lama Village, Ranto Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency. "We continue to coordinate with related parties to deal with the collapsed road. We also urge road users to be careful crossing the area," said Ashadi.

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