LUBUKBASUNG - Around 200 residents of Nagari Malampah, Tigo Nagari District, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra who were victims of the 6.1 magnitude earthquake fled to Nagari Salareh Aia, Palembayan District, Agam Regency.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Agam Muhammad Lutfi Ar said they lived in residents' houses, mosques, and others in Nagari Salareh Aia.

"They went to the location in their vehicles. We have placed the children and nursing mothers in people's homes," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 25.

The Government of Agam Regency has provided packed rice for dinner for the victims of the earthquake that rocked the West Sumatra region, 17 km northeast of West Pasaman on Friday, at 08.39 WIB.

In the refugee camps, he added, BPBD Agam will also set up emergency tents and will set up public kitchens.

"We will soon build a public kitchen in collaboration with the Agam Social Service for the food needs of the victims," he said.

Luthfi added that hundreds of Nagari Malampah residents fled to Salareh Aia to avoid the impact of the earthquake, in the form of flash floods or subsequent landslides.

This is because the area was hit by flash floods after the earthquake.

"The river in that area has dried up, so residents are afraid and flee to our area to deal with the loss of life if there are subsequent flash floods," he said.

Luthfi said that most of their houses were also badly damaged and could not be occupied by them.

This is based on information from the victim and the results of a visit to Nagari Malampah, Tigo Nagari District, Pasaman Regency.

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