MUNA - Sawerigadi Police Chief Ipda Burhanudin was questioned by Propam Polres Muna, Southeast Sulawesi for allegedly being negligent until an alleged perpetrator of molestation, robbery, and assault with the initials S fled last Sunday, February 20.

Previously, suspect S was reported for alleged indecent acts, even robbing and molesting a midwife in Lawada Village, West Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

During his escape, three days later S surrendered himself to the police in Walelei Village, Barangka District, West Muna on Wednesday, February 23.

The Head of Propam for the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Prianto Teguh Nugroho, said that the Sector Police Chief was still being investigated, even though the suspect S had turned himself in to the police.

"Although suspect S has been arrested again, the Sector Police Chief (Sawerigadi) is still being investigated, there was negligence there," he said when interviewed on the sidelines of vaccinating children to the elderly at SDN 33 Kendari, Abeli Village, Abeli District, Antara, Friday, February 25.

He said that the Sawerigadi Police Chief would undergo an examination related to his main duties and responsibilities, one of which was whether to routinely check the detention room or give directions to his members.

"Does a leader check managerially or not? He doesn't carry out his managerial duties, checks prisoners for example, continues to often give instructions to his members not to be negligent, carry out their duties according to their main duties and responsibilities," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the sanctions that will be given to the Sawerigadi Sector Police, the Head of the Propam Regional Police of the Southeast Sulawesi said it would be in accordance with the results of the examination.

Separately, Muna Police Chief AKBP Mulkaifin confirmed the examination of the Chief of Police and the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Sawerigadi Police.

"We have called the police chief and we are currently looking at the level of violation or negligence," said AKBP Mulkaifin by cell phone, last Wednesday.

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