MAKASSAR - Cases of violence and sexual harassment against women and child victims continue to occur, even the trend shows a significant increase every year in a number of regions including South Sulawesi Province. - Act on the Crime of Sexual Violence or known as the TPKS Bill. However, it took a long time for the bill to be approved for further discussion in parliament, with the hope that it will soon become law. The director of the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice Legal Aid Institute (LBH Apik) South Sulawesi Rosmiati Sain also responded to this effort. According to him, the public's long wait for the presence of a legal umbrella regarding firm witnesses to acts and behavior of sexual violence against women and children will soon be realized. This TPKS," said Rosmiati, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 24. One of the types of sexual violence that is accommodated in the draft TPKS Bill, she said, is online-based sexual violence. "In addition to handling and recovering, prevention efforts will also be maximized. by involving community participation and various literacy, reading materials for the community," he said. Separately, Director of LBH Makassar Muhammad Haedir revealed that violence, sexual harassment against women and children are like an iceberg phenomenon. The handling of cases is rarely followed up by law enforcement officials (APH), making people question their rights to justice. Haedir also mentioned that, although there are many regulations regarding the protection of women and children, they are considered insufficient to save the victims. On the one hand, victims continue to fall, but on the other hand, the state has not provided legal guarantees, so that quick steps are needed to enact new rules such as the TPKS Bill, of course based on input from various parties. public knowledge about complaints of violence against vulnerable groups, there is an increase in reporting. It was recorded that there were 250 complaints with 90 reports of cases of violence experienced by women, children, and people with disabilities in 2021. Resky said, 65 percent of complaints were received from victims who experienced sexual violence, followed by 29 percent of cases of domestic violence (KDRT) and 6 percent of physical violence against children. "The complaints we received were that the victim experienced violence more than once. Be it his wife, ex-wife, children, to domestic workers and there are still many cases that are not processed on the grounds of evidence, procedural defects and obstacles. Data from the Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children (Simphoni PPA),, recorded in February 2022, reports came in as many as 3,690 cases, 3,424 of them were women, the rest were men. Nationally throughout 2019-2021, this case continues to increase. In 2019 there were 11,057 cases, in 2020 there were 11,278 cases and in 2021 it increased to 14,517 cases. Data from the Integrated Service Center for the Protection of Women and Children (P2TP2A) of South Sulawesi, the number of cases in 2019 was 1,964 cases, and in 2020 it rose to 1,996 The head of the South Sulawesi UPT (PPA) Meisy Papayungan revealed, since January-February 2022, 40 cases of domestic violence have been handled by the South Sulawesi DPPA. They may commit violence against their family members," said Meysie. Meanwhile, data from the Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) of Makassar City, throughout 2021, has received reports of 1,551 cases. As many as 774 or 49 percent of cases of violence, including sexual abuse of child victims. "We hope law enforcers will impose severe punishments such as chemical castration on perpetrators, so they don't repeat their actions. The goal is to provide a deterrent effect for those who have sexual disorders," he said. Head of UPTD PPA Makassar Achi Soleman For data on cases of violence against women throughout 2021, continued Achi, as many as 380 cases, followed by domestic violence cases with 184 cases, children in conflict with the law (ABH) as many as 98 cases, children victims of narcotics and other addictive substances (drugs) 22 cases, children with mental retardation (RN) 76 cases, children with emergency situations 15 cases and people with disabilities two cases.

Hope for legal certainty One of the victims of domestic violence, with the initials M who reported her husband with the initials FH (28) related to cases of violence experienced since January 2022, has not received fresh air from the handling of his case which is now handled by PPA Polrestabes Makassar. In South Sulawesi, the victim was depressed because she was again being intimidated by her husband who is a lecturer at a private university in Makassar, by making a fuss at the Safe House. He then hopes to get justice and legal protection soon. Likewise, the mother of another victim of sexual violence with the initials W, who reported the sodomy case of her child on January 28, 2022, was carried out by the perpetrator with the initials MR (45) with the mode of lure money of Rp. 10-Rp 15 thousand to the victim. for quotas for playing online games. So far there has been no bright spot on the handling of his son's case. The perpetrator is still free to roam even though he is on the Wanted List (DPO) because he was absent from calling the police. He also hoped that the police would arrest the perpetrators and obtain legal certainty. Head of the Makassar Police's Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) First Inspector Muhammad Rivai stated that his party was still handling a number of cases of violence against women and children. Although so far these cases are still in the process of being investigated. "We will certainly follow up on all the reported cases, because of course there are processes, witness examination, collection of evidence, case titles to the determination of suspects until they are transferred to court," he said.

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