JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian Parliament from the PKS Faction, Anis Byarwati, said that the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) was the right step for protection and serious handling of COVID-19. Moreover, the number of people exposed to the virus is increasing.

"People need to receive serious protection and handling related to COVID-19 and its effects from the government," said Anis when contacted by VOI, Monday, September 14.

This legislator from the electoral district of East Jakarta emphasized that the leader's duty is to protect his people. Therefore, the policy of protecting citizens, especially in relation to life, according to Anis is not an image or show of assertiveness.

"A policy is taken of course after going through in-depth study and consideration, including an assessment of the impact and risk," he said.

Anis assessed that the policy of re-implementing the PSBB in Jakarta was a quick step from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan in responding to President Jokowi's direction some time ago.

"We pray that we will succeed in reducing the number of the increase in COVID-19 in Jakarta," he said.

Previously reported, the implementation of strict or total PSBB refers to Pergub Number 88 of 2020 regarding changes to Pergub Number 33 of 2020 concerning PSBB. Pergub Number 88 of 2020 was issued on September 13, 2020.

Basically, the PSBB tightening procedure is still the same as the previous PSBB which took effect from April 10 to June 4, 2020. Then, DKI Province implemented the PSBB easing or what is called the transitional PSBB from June 5 to July 2 2020.

Then, the DKI Provincial Government decided to extend the transitional PSBB for two weeks five times each, starting from July 3 to September 10, 2020.

The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan said that during the PSBB transition, on August 30 in Jakarta, active cases decreased. But entering September to September 11, cases increased by 3,864 or about 49 percent compared to the end of August.

Furthermore, said Anies, if you look at the range from March 3 when positive cases were first found to September 11, there were more than 190 days and in the last 12 days it contributed 25 percent of positive cases. Even though those who recovered also contributed 23 percent. Meanwhile, 14 percent of cases died in the last 12 days.

"So within 190 days, there were 12 days where we witnessed a very significant increase. That is why we feel the need to take extra steps for handling COVID-19 cases in Jakarta. We feel the need to tighten. So that the movement of the increase in cases in Jakarta it can be controlled, "he said.

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