LAMONGAN - The government of Lamongan Regency, East Java has accelerated the handling of flooding in the area by inspecting the construction arrangement of the Margoanyar Dam building, which is in Glagah District. Sea. "Not only structuring the construction of the Margoanyar Dam, the Lamongan Regency Government will also use Bengawan Mati for flood control as well as irrigation for the community during the dry season," he said in Lamongan, Thursday, February 24. water shortages during the dry season, by maximizing the capacity of existing pumps, consolidating with the East Java Provincial Government and Gersik Regency Government in facilitating drainage up to the Tambak Ombo Dam. Ombo. I also met with the Regent of Bojonegoro to discuss the problem of flooding in Babat. I also continue to oversee what is the responsibility of the province, as an acceleration of flood handling the province will normalize three swamps at once this year, the Semando, Cungkup and Sekaran swamps which are expected to become water catchments," he said, quoted by Antara. Jero, the Lamongan Regency Government has also carried out an alternative scheme for taking raw water for Glagah District, namely from Sluis Gawerejo. Priority work to facilitate water extraction includes, maintenance of Sluis Ngajaran for water supply in Bengawan Mati, repair of Sluis Gawerejo floodgates and construction of a divider building, normalization of 1,450 meters of canal from Gawerejo to Kuro, repair of culverts and 2 tapping structures, repair of culverts and 1 tapping building, and strengthening of canals with stone/concrete L along 150 meters. Meanwhile, Glagah Village Head, Abdul Qohar said he was relieved by the policy given by the local government b Lamongan, because so far many residents have been looking for clean water to Karangbinangun District. In addition, with the construction of the dam, the community will also get water during the dry season. He assessed that the policy given by the Lamongan Regency Government is a breath of fresh air which is expected to solve water problems in Glagah District and its surroundings. water can flow. I am sure if this cooperation can be harmonious between the community and the government, not only the problem of water shortages but flooding can also be resolved, "said Abdul Qohar.

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