LEBAK - As many as 40 families in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, live in evacuation posts to avoid moving land disasters due to the increasing rainfall in the area. "We accommodate 40 families from 37 houses affected by the natural disaster," said the Chairperson Tagana volunteer from Lebak Regency, Iwan Hermansyah when contacted in Lebak, Banten, Thursday, FEBRUARY 24. There were 40 families living in the evacuation post in Curug Panjang Village, Cikulur District, Lebak Regency.

Most of their houses were cracked and some of them nearly collapsed due to the movement of the ground. Therefore, the Tagana Volunteers in Lebak Regency established refugee posts and public kitchens. so as not to experience food insecurity and disease attacks. "We prioritize rescue to reduce the risk of disaster," he was quoted as saying by Antara. land in the area, because research must be involved. Currently, people are afraid of the rainy season because they are afraid that their house will collapse. Thus, it is better for them to stay outside if it rains at night. help residents affected by natural disasters," he said a number of residents said that they felt safe living in the evacuation post to avoid the house collapsing due to the movement of the ground. "We and family members live in the refugee post which was set up by the tagana volunteers," said Amin, a resident of a natural disaster victim in Curug Panjang, Lebak Regency.

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