JAKARTA - The Managing Director of the Social Security Administration (BPJS) Health Ali Ghufron Mukti emphasized that the optimization of the implementation of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program aims to ensure that the health of all Indonesians is protected. Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2022 strengthens for optimizing the implementation of the JKN program. Now, this will be carried out in stages while March 1, 2022 in the ATR Ministry sector, one of which is the condition for buying and selling land," said Ali Ghufron in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23. mayors, regents and government officials to take steps according to their respective functions and authorities, to optimize the JKN program. In this optimization, there are eight public services that require JKN membership requirements, including the application of People's Business Credit (KUR), application for business licenses, educational services both formal and non-formal, administrative applications at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). Furthermore, land management, hajj and umrah arrangements, registration of prospective Indonesian migrants, as well as driving licenses and certificates Vehicle Numbers (STNK), as well as Police Records Certificates (SKCK) also require JKN membership requirements. He hopes that 98 percent of Indonesian people in 2024 can be protected by the JKN-KIS (Healthy Indonesia Card) in accordance with the Medium-Term Long-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) Target. Ali Gufron considered the controversy due to a lack of public understanding. Currently, the implementation of the policy is still in the process of socialization.

"We continue to try to educate the public so that the optimization of the JKN program is not misinterpreted," said the Director General of Information and Public Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. (Kominfo) Usman Kansong. The active participation of the community in the program will certainly have a positive effect on the domestic health sector so that health services can be carried out optimally. said that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics had carried out a series of socialization and education. Kominfo disseminates messages through various communication instruments ranging from social media, print media, online media, to electronic media. ' said Usman.

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